maandag 7 maart 2011

International Corporation is looking for a financial assistant

Sometimes I receive job offers in my mail box. Occasionally they also end up in my junk inbox. Below a very good example. Although the email address where I am supposed to send my CV to looks perfectly innocent, the email address where it originated sounds very dodgy.

Furthermore, they are offering "adequate" remuneration, even though they say that no financial skills are required (for a financial assistant???) and they don't mind if you work full time or half-time.

Very dodgy indeed :)

We would like to offer you a vacancy in an international corporation with head office in London, England.
We are manufacturing fish food, especially food for salmon.
The vacancy is for financial assistant.

Applicants are to speak
English language and to be experienced computer users.
No special financial skills required.
Training during work at the expense of the company.
High salary.

This job is not location-based, you can work from every part of the country.
It can be a full-time job as well as a part-time job with adequate remuneration.

dinsdag 16 november 2010

MTCN Numbers: 6096147516

Another little gem I found in my mailbox: Apparently the British Prime Minister himself is sending me money.

My associate has helped me to send your first payment
of $7,500 USD to you as instructed by Mr. Dxxx Cxxx
the United Kingdom prime minister after the last G20
meeting that was held in United Kingdom, making you one
of the beneficiaries. Here is the information below.

MTCN Numbers: 6*****
Sender First Name Is = E*** F***
Second Name = I***

I told him to keep sending you $7,500 USD twice a week
until the FULL payment of ($820000.00 United State Dollars)
is completed.

A certificate will be made to change the Receiver Name as
stated by the British prime minister, send your Full Names
and address via Email to: Mr Garry Moore

you cannot pickup the money until the certificate is issued to you.

Mr. G** M***.
Tel: +(44) 702 401 ***.

zaterdag 18 september 2010

My Visa card was suspended

I got this really believable message in my spam folder, telling me that my visa card had been suspended and they asked me to fill in some information, like my visa card number. Yeah right, like I would fall for that.

The funny thing was that you could see it had been translated with Google translate, and that some characters looked suspiciously like Russian Cyrillic letters.

Here is the complete text :

Hallo Gast,

Uw creditcard is geschorst, omdat we gevonden fouten veroorzaakt door een virus aanval.
. Voor uw bescherming hebben wij geschorst uw creditcard.
Voor het bijwerken van uw creditcard online, klik hier . Het is zeer belangrijk om nauwkeurige informatie in real time zijn om te voorkomen dat mogelijke fraude.

Opmerking: Si ce n'est pas achever le 17 Septembre 2010, nous serons contraints de suspendre votre carte indйfiniment, car il peut-кtre utilisй pour des activitйs frauduleuses.

Wij waarderen uw medewerking in deze kwestie.


Support Clients Service.
Copyright 1999-2010 VerifiedbyVisa . Alle rechten voorbehouden.

dinsdag 7 september 2010

People were honest

I got this strange reaction on my blog :

Yeah I know what you mean , being around today is all together then it was when I was younger. I reckon that our grand parents didn't really even think about this , technology as we know it from many angles helps change things for both the good and the bad. You know I have an old school point of view , however I recall when people used to work hard . People were honest , you could trust if your kids were outside by themselves they were safe , and things weren't as costly. I recon costs are always going to go up , but you know I don't know why why we can't go back to the time when folks cared for one another and actually knew what their neighbors names were . I guess that is a thing of the past , but you know its a great day to be alive , so I suppose I otta just keep moving forward.

What on earth is he talking about?

donderdag 2 september 2010

Legal advice anybody?

I got the following spam message in my mailbox :

help! i need some legal advice on custody / child support / divorce !!!!? Ok-I recently left my husband. We have 1 child together and 1 on the way. My husband still lives down south, and I moved to delaware (with the child). In delaware, my husband is considered a repeat offender and has several felony charges and is also a known drug user. Currently, he is not on drugs however. He doesn't have a car or a place of his own, and never stays at the same job too long.I am trying to work things out with him where we don't have to go through the courts, but he is being an ahole. He sends me all kinds of emails about how he's going to make sure I don't get any help from welfare, and how I can't make him pay child support b/c were married, and how he's going to get the kids.

I have several questions-If we r married but living in seperate states n he isn't supporting his child, can I get child support? What about help through welfare?
Is it possible that a judge would grant him even JOINT custody? With his record? He was put in jail for a few months for assault on a pregnant female (me) but was never convicted b/c I didn't show at court and would the judge still look at that? We were married in SC- can I file for legal separation in delaware, or do I have to travel all the way to SC? What are my options in this case? Are there lawyers out there that I can consult about this for free? What is the best thing for me to do in this situation? When I was 7 months pregnant he broke my cheekbone and I needed stitches in my ear. The state presses charges but were unable to prosecute b/c I didn't show. I didn't go to court b/c #1 I was all the way in SC and wasn't legally able to drive through virginia (suspended license) to delware, I had a job, and also b/c I was very young and stupid and let him convince me that he was sorry. He doesn't have a car (b/c he sold the few he had to get drugs) and he shares an apartment w/ 3 other guys¦..he can't keep a job. He is very unresponsible and has several 1st degree robbery charges as well as possession charges. I don't think he is fit to be a parent

zaterdag 28 augustus 2010

Opgelet voor valse facturen!

Ik kreeg het volgende bericht via mijn bank: een gewaarschuwd mens is er twee waard!

Sinds kort onderscheppen fraudeurs bepaalde facturen die via de Post worden verstuurd. Vervolgens brengen ze hierop een zelfklever aan met de melding "nieuw rekeningnummer" of vervalsen ze het rekeningnummer via een scan. Daarna wordt de factuur naar de geadresseerde doorgestuurd.

Hoe kunt u zich beschermen?
- Wees altijd uiterst waakzaam! Zijn er aanpassingen aan de factuurgegevens, neem dan eerst contact op met de afzender alvorens deze te betalen.
- Bewaar steeds de gegevens van de leveranciers en hun bankrekeningnummer.

Hoe reageren indien u toch slachtoffer wordt?
- Dien onmiddelijk een aanklacht in bij de politie.
- Bezorg uw kantoor een kopie van de aanklacht.

Pas op met frauduleuze mails van keytrade bank

In verschillende media waarschuwde Online-beursmakelaar Keytrade haar klanten voor mogelijk frauduleuze e-mails. Afzenders die lijken op Keytrade vragen in deze mails naar bepaalde persoonlijke gegevens.

De groep benadrukt dat die mails vals zijn en dat zij haar klanten nooit vraagt om via e-mail informatie te versturen over paswoorden, bankrekeningnummers, kaartnummers, enz.

In de frauduleuze mails die worden verstuurd is dat wel het geval. Als u dus een mail krijgt met als titel 'Billing Information records' of 'update your account information', beantwoordt deze mails dan niet, en klik nergens op mogelijke links.